North OKC Pharmacy PRAIRIE GARDENS PHARMACY is a family pharmacy with a full range of pharmaceutical products and services with personalized care to meet your individual needs.
If you are located in North OKC, we are local, and just around the corner. At Prairie Gardens Pharmacy we advocate strongly on your behalf with insurance companies and other health organizations.
We are a pharmacy where pharmacists are always available to counsel on medications and health, where you’ll always receive personalized attention from a member of your community. Stop by and visit us for the best pharmacy experience. Whether you need refills on your prescriptions, immunizations or compounding, we can help you with all of your pharmacy needs.
Pharmacy Services
Prairie Gardens Pharmacy offers convenient Rx services such as free delivery, snychronized refills and online refills.
Prairie Gardens Pharmacy offers COVID-19 vaccine clinics and a variety of immunization services for individuals and businesses.
We offer convenient specialty compounding services. Medications are made specifically for you!
Prairie Gardens
Pharmacy & Compounding
12301 N. Western Ave. Suite 106
Oklahoma City, OK 73114